Automate your processes. We develop a tailor-made tool to your processes, which helps you to work more efficiently and less error-prone. Is your company growing? That's great. Also your data volume is growing. Can you still work as efficiently as you did before? In most cases, it also requires an analysis of the internal processes. Can work with the larger amount of data still efficient or should these processes be optimized. Now many processes can also be optimized web-based.

Traditional desktop applications require installation and configurations on individual machines. When an new version is available, each installation needs to be updated individually. In some cases, IT personnel need to update them one by one. These becomes a nightmare as the user-base increases. At some point, traditional desktop software maintenance becomes a bottleneck for businesses.  

Unlike traditional desktop applications, browser-based apps or web applications do not require additional software other than a web browser. Simply open a web application url on a browser, login and start using it. With web applications, maintenance and administration is centralized. Updates are done in one place and changes are available on end users instantly, no matter how many, no additional configurations required. 

We are happy to advise you on how you can optimize your internal processes. Please call us.

Options of web-applications:
- Data Collection
- Reporting and Analysis
- Communication and Collaboration
- Process automatisation

If you feel that your existing processes are inhibiting further growth of your business, then you are right with us.We can convert your existing desktop applications into web applications. 

Are you already thinking of a particular tool? Then give us a call.
Below are some examples.


Banking Tool

This tool is used to calculate mortgage loan and financial sustainability in connection with a property purchase. That In advance, an indicative analysis can be made as to whether financing is even possible.

Banking tool Dashboard
Banking tool Client Form
Banking tool Object List



Planiton is used to manage projects and tasks. Employees can be assigned project tasks and project tasks to employees. You can switch between project view and employee view at any time. In Excel, either projects were usually distributed to employees or employees to projects. A change of view is nearby not possible. Planiton helps you to better organize the projects (manage project tasks and staff utilization). check out the Video



Exactplace 2.0

In this online applications feedbacks are recorded, edited and commented. The status of each feedback can be viewed at any time. The current project progress is visible all the time for the client.

Exactplace 2.0
Exactplace 2.0
Exactplace 2.0



Exactboard is an analysis and reporting tool. Data from different sources can be imported, these are connected in the background. Subsequently, analyzes of all sources can be made. Evaluations can be created promptly by pressing a button. This allows short-term and long-term business decisions. For example a product does not met the selling goals, then analyzes can be made why this could be the case and measures can be taken.
