Excel AddIn: Exchange Rates Currencies

Do you always need the updated exchange rates in Excel? With this Excel Addin, problem solved.

Currencies Exchange Rates Excel Currencies

Twitter in Excel

Send and manage tweets in Excel.


Twitter and Excel

Value at Risk Excel Tool

Value at Risk (VaR) is a method to measure the risk. This concept is therefore used in industrial and commercial enterprises for the quantification of risks.


value at risk


SWOT Analysis Excel Tool

A SWOT analysis is a structured planning method to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as identify the opportunities and risks in a project or in a business venture.


SWOT Analysis


Billing Excel Tool

With the following video we show you how you can easily and clearly manage your bills. This tool is suitable for SMEs.




Swiss map

This Excel file points to a map of Switzerland using the location of a postal code. If you want to display the distribution of your customers in Switzerland, for example, for a presentation, all you need is the ZIP Code and this file.

We are happy to create a customized solution for you.

German map

This Excel file points to a German map using the location of a postal code. If you want to display the distribution of your customers in Germany, for example, for a presentation, all you need is the ZIP code and this file.

We are happy to create a customized solution for you.

Austrian map

This Excel file points to an Austrian map using the location of a postal code. If you want to display the distribution of your customers in Austria, for example, for a presentation, all you need is the ZIP code and this file.

We are happy to create a customized solution for you.